Private Investigators

Fuduku PI Agency: Where Secrets Come to Light

Welcome to Fuduku PI Agency, your trusted partner in unveiling the hidden truths. We are a premier private investigation agency, dedicated to providing comprehensive and reliable investigative services. Our team of seasoned investigators is committed to helping you uncover the truth, no matter how complex or challenging the situation may be. We invite you to dive into the world of investigation with us and experience the difference that professional, discreet, and thorough investigative services can make.

Asset Searches

Our team can help you locate hidden assets, whether they’re part of a divorce proceeding, a business dispute, or a personal matter. We use advanced techniques and resources to uncover assets that others might miss.

Infidelity Investigations

If you suspect your partner may be unfaithful, our discreet and professional investigators can provide you with the evidence you need to confront the situation. We handle these sensitive cases with the utmost care and respect.

Cyber Security Investigations

In today’s digital world, cyber threats are a growing concern. Our team is skilled in investigating cybercrimes, including data breaches, online fraud, and other forms of cyber-attacks. We can help you protect your or business information from potential threats.


Discover the Power of Strategy

At Fuduku PI Agency, we are more than just a team of private investigators. We are a group of seasoned professionals committed to providing top-notch online private investigation services. Our mission is to help individuals and businesses uncover the truth with our innovative and discreet investigative techniques.

We understand that every case is unique, and we approach each investigation with the utmost care, discretion, and professionalism. Our team is equipped with the latest technology and resources to ensure that we deliver accurate and timely results. We invite you to learn more about our expertise and how we can assist you in your quest for the truth.


At Fuduku PI Agency, we offer a wide range of private investigation services tailored to meet your specific needs. Our services include:


Our surveillance services are designed to provide you with the information you need make informed decisions. We use state-of-the-art technology and proven techniques to gather evidence discreetly and effectively.

Missing Persons

Our investigators are skilled in locating missing persons, using a combination of traditional investigative methods and advanced technology.

Background Checks

We provide comprehensive background checks to help you make informed decisions about potential employees, business partners, or personal acquaintances.

Fraud Investigations

Our team of experienced investigators can help you uncover fraudulent activities and provide you with the evidence needed to take legal action.

Corporate Investigations

We offer corporate investigation services to help businesses protect their interests maintain their reputation.

Online Investigations

We specialize in online investigations, helping you uncover hidden information and activities on the internet.

How We Work

Transforming your business through creative process




Innovative solutions for modern business

At Fuduku PI Agency, we follow a systematic process to ensure that we provide you with accurate, reliable, and timely results. Our process includes:

Initial Consultation: We start by understanding your needs and concerns during a confidential consultation.- Case Assessment & Strategy Development: We then assess the case and develop a strategic plan tailored to your specific situation.
Investigation & Evidence Gathering: Our team of investigators will then conduct a thorough investigation, gathering evidence and information to support your case.
Reporting & Follow-up: We provide you with a detailed report of our findings and offer follow-up services as needed.

At Fuduku PI Agency, we combine traditional investigative methods with cutting-edge technology to ensure that we deliver the best possible results.

Get Started

Start A New Project Today

If you’re ready to uncover the truth, we’re to help. Schedule a confidential consultation with us today to discuss your needs and learn how we assist you. Please fill out the form below or contact us directly at our email or phone number. We assure complete confidentiality of all inquiries.